FIRST BLOG??? (1/03/25)
So as you may know... I exist!! Basically here I'm just gonna rant bout whatever I want becuz... WHO CARES!!! I don't think you would... But I don't know u!!
Anywayz... U get a kewl meme image!! Probably gonna put these here after every blog... ANYWAYS CYA!!!
NAPLAN SUCKS!!! (12/03/25)
if you've never done NAPLAN be4... BE GLAD!!
It's basically this stupid thingo we do in every odd year from yr3(?) - yr9 where you gotta do like a big ol test 4 the main subjects...
Though the thing is, I just finished doing the Writing one, basically the first one I've had 2 do so far... AND I HATED IT. I don't like... Being under pressure?? I write when I fucking want 2 you dumb fucks and if i don't wanna, ESPECIALLY under a 40 MINUTE TIMER. I PROBABLY JUST WONT DO IT HALF THE TIME??? YOU KNOW???
Anyways, now we're just chilling on the computers, which is kewlio but yeah... just needed to rant that out into the sea of nothingness... HAVE A MEME!!
My webrings will be here soon... trust...